The goal of our new Nollywood film project is to reverse the look at our previous film: the complex issue of migration. This time, we will approach a necessary integration theme. In our previous film, The Champion Sportsman, Okoro Ajonuma, a typical African migrant, arrives in Germany only to realise his initial mistake. His goal of spending just six months in Europe before returning home with four “forty-foot” containers seems impossible to achieve. Okoro finds settling down in Europe is not only a mirage but a “boxing ring” compared to what he had imagined. He must fight his ways through daily disappointments, living disparities, severe language conflicts, job searches, money problems, status issues, racial confrontations as well as nostalgia and recurring culture shocks. 

In our new project, BROTHERS, a young German lady (Franziska Pester) goes to a deep rural village of south eastern Nigeria to meet and study, first hand, the real local people as well as understand their lifestyle. In her unique integration quests as an unofficial German cultural ambassador, she stumbles upon certain cultural codes, dramatic symbols, music patterns, arts, performances, marriage and burial rites totally different from her European background. 

Our cast and crew members have already worked in Berlin, Germany, Brussels and Oostende, Belgium. Our next step is flying down to our West African locations in April 2014. Here, our film project will be set in finding the multicultural meeting point for the three diversity cultures involved: Europe (Belgium and Germany), Igbo and Yoruba ethnic groups of South East and South West Nigeria.

As we did in our first movie, THE CHAMPION SPORTSMAN, we will have hired four major stars including OKEY MACANTHONY, SALOME OKEKE and FABIAN ADIBE. There will also be a cameo appearance of CHIKA OKPALA popularly known as CHIEF ZEBRUDAYA. The presence of these celebrities ensures our movie be watched by people even in the remotest African villages.

We also hope to reach non-Nollywood audiences outside Africa. For years, countless African families have migrated to Europe, America, Australia and Asia, and have formed huge communities, associations and Diaspora groups. The message in this film is not only for them, but also for their host countries. Foreign audiences will no doubt enjoy such a probing film experience.

As usual, a lot of people, associations and companies in Germany have helped us in realising the Europe beat of our project. They provided us with locations and services for free. A bakery has also offered to supply us bread for our breakfast while at location and during postproduction! Nevertheless, for our project to succeed, we still need your valued assistance.

Right now we need to buy tickets for our cast and crew members for our April production in Nigeria. No matter how little you donate to us, it will go a very long way to pay for costs like traveling, catering, housing and small inevitable expenses. 

We REALLY NEED your support at this time and would be very glad to send you further information about our film project (

Please help our project with your donation

If you donate at least 10 euros, you will get a free ticket for the Berlin, Erfurt, Brussels and UK premiere or screenings of the movie.

If you donate at least 30 euros, you will additionally get a free DVD of the movie.

If you donate at least 50 euros, you will get our nice movie T-Shirt on top and if it least 100 Euros, you will also be named as an associate producer in the movie’s credits.

Please kindly donate to:

Kulturkontakte e.V.

Kto. 397869904

IBAN. DE31100700240397869904

BLZ 10070024


Reference / Purpose: „Brothers Keeper“.

Contribution receipt on demand.